Following up from part II, this time we're going to build on the knowledge we already have of how the shader system works, and focus on the lighting function of the standard shader.
Theses occlusion data are a 4d vector. The x, y and z coordinates of the ambientocclusion vector store the bent-vector, and the W coordinate stores the occlusion factor. This occlusion factor is then used in pixel shader to modulate the ambient intensity. In this shader, the bent-vector is not used. This is a tutorial on using the Parallax Mapping in Unity Shader Graph Checkout my new Floating Islands Asset: Checkout.
So, starting back at Standard.shader
, but this time in UnityStandardCoreForward.shader
we'll take the other branch, the 'not simple' branch.
That leads us to UnityStandardCore.shader
and we're interested in the fragForwardBaseInternal
Simple version, for reference:
Comparing with last article's version we can see that the final colour is produced by adding the result of calls to UNITY_BRDF_PBS
and Emission
Pengaturan ppsspp. Emission is the same as the Simple version. UNITY_BRDF_PBS
are aliases of functions which are defined in the included files. Looking up in the includes:
the most likely ones are UnityStandardBRDF
and UnityPBSLighting
so looking at those first.
Occlusion Shader Unity Definition
And they are in UnityPBSLighting.cginc
, depending on the Shader target it will choose a different function.
Let's pick BRDF1_Unity_PBS
, which resides in UnityStandardBRDF.cginc
, it looks like it's the more expensive and realistic BRDF available, with BRDF3_Unity_PBS
being the cheapest.
As you can see, it's a big function, so I'll skip over some details related to optimisation, assume we're using linear, and comment it in chunks, starting with this very useful comment:
this gives us the formula used, and the references/influences. There is a choice of NDF (normal distribution function), but I'll only cover GGX, which is IMO way better (if more expensive).
You may already be familiar with the formula, but for the benefit of those who aren't I'll at least connect those two letter variables to proper definitions:
- kD: diffuse reflectance
- pi: the π constant (no surprises here I guess)
- kS: specular reflectance
- D: Distribution of normals
- V: Geometric Visibility factor
- F: Fresnel reflectance
(see 'Minimalist Cook-Torrance (ShaderX7 style)')
Without further ado, the custom lighting function: Play command and conquer 2.
Theses occlusion data are a 4d vector. The x, y and z coordinates of the ambientocclusion vector store the bent-vector, and the W coordinate stores the occlusion factor. This occlusion factor is then used in pixel shader to modulate the ambient intensity. In this shader, the bent-vector is not used. This is a tutorial on using the Parallax Mapping in Unity Shader Graph Checkout my new Floating Islands Asset: Checkout.
So, starting back at Standard.shader
, but this time in UnityStandardCoreForward.shader
we'll take the other branch, the 'not simple' branch.
That leads us to UnityStandardCore.shader
and we're interested in the fragForwardBaseInternal
Simple version, for reference:
Comparing with last article's version we can see that the final colour is produced by adding the result of calls to UNITY_BRDF_PBS
and Emission
Pengaturan ppsspp. Emission is the same as the Simple version. UNITY_BRDF_PBS
are aliases of functions which are defined in the included files. Looking up in the includes:
the most likely ones are UnityStandardBRDF
and UnityPBSLighting
so looking at those first.
Occlusion Shader Unity Definition
And they are in UnityPBSLighting.cginc
, depending on the Shader target it will choose a different function.
Let's pick BRDF1_Unity_PBS
, which resides in UnityStandardBRDF.cginc
, it looks like it's the more expensive and realistic BRDF available, with BRDF3_Unity_PBS
being the cheapest.
As you can see, it's a big function, so I'll skip over some details related to optimisation, assume we're using linear, and comment it in chunks, starting with this very useful comment:
this gives us the formula used, and the references/influences. There is a choice of NDF (normal distribution function), but I'll only cover GGX, which is IMO way better (if more expensive).
You may already be familiar with the formula, but for the benefit of those who aren't I'll at least connect those two letter variables to proper definitions:
- kD: diffuse reflectance
- pi: the π constant (no surprises here I guess)
- kS: specular reflectance
- D: Distribution of normals
- V: Geometric Visibility factor
- F: Fresnel reflectance
(see 'Minimalist Cook-Torrance (ShaderX7 style)')
Without further ado, the custom lighting function: Play command and conquer 2.
inverts the smoothness to be roughness instead.
the half vector.
Handling correctly NdotV (see comments in the file): 36 china town songs 320kbps download.
Calculating V and D:
Calculating the Diffuse term according to a version of the Disney BRDF & putting the specular factors together:
Putting it all together, including the Global Illumination contribution:
And that's all for the lighting function.
In part IV we're going to chase down the contribution of the Global Illumination in the final result.
Comments? Give me a shout at @shadercat.
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Unity Occlusion Probes
Shader'AR Proxy' |
{ |
Properties |
{ |
} |
SubShader |
{ |
Tags |
{ |
'RenderType' = 'Transparent' |
'RenderPipeline' = 'LightweightPipeline' |
'IgnoreProjector' = 'True' |
} |
LOD300 |
Pass |
{ |
Name'AR Proxy' |
Tags |
{ |
'LightMode' = 'LightweightForward' |
} |
BlendSrcAlphaOneMinusSrcAlpha |
ZWriteOn |
CullOff |
#pragma prefer_hlslcc gles |
#pragma exclude_renderers d3d11_9x |
#pragma target 2.0 |
// ------------------------------------- |
// Material Keywords |
#pragma shader_feature _ALPHATEST_ON |
#pragma shader_feature _ALPHAPREMULTIPLY_ON |
// ------------------------------------- |
// Lightweight Pipeline keywords |
#pragma multi_compile _ _MAIN_LIGHT_SHADOWS |
#pragma multi_compile _ _MAIN_LIGHT_SHADOWS_CASCADE |
#pragma multi_compile _ _ADDITIONAL_LIGHT_SHADOWS |
#pragma multi_compile _ _SHADOWS_SOFT |
// ------------------------------------- |
// Unity defined keywords |
#pragma multi_compile _ DIRLIGHTMAP_COMBINED |
#pragma multi_compile _ LIGHTMAP_ON |
//-------------------------------------- |
// GPU Instancing |
#pragma multi_compile_instancing |
#pragma vertex HiddenVertex |
#pragma fragment HiddenFragment |
#include'Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.lightweight/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl' |
#include'Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.lightweight/ShaderLibrary/Lighting.hlsl' |
struct Attributes |
{ |
float4 positionOS : POSITION; |
}; |
struct Varyings |
{ |
float4 positionCS : SV_POSITION; |
float4 shadowCoord : TEXCOORD0; |
}; |
Varyings HiddenVertex(Attributes input) |
{ |
Varyings output = (Varyings)0; |
VertexPositionInputs vertexInput = GetVertexPositionInputs(; |
output.shadowCoord = GetShadowCoord(vertexInput); |
output.positionCS = vertexInput.positionCS; |
return output; |
} |
half4HiddenFragment(Varyings input) : SV_Target |
{ |
half s = MainLightRealtimeShadow(input.shadowCoord); |
returnhalf4(0, 0, 0, 1 - s); |
} |
} |
UsePass'Lightweight Render Pipeline/Lit/DepthOnly' |
} |
FallBack'Hidden/InternalErrorShader' |
} |
commented May 7, 2020
I have added this to a large cube to mask content that I want to stay below the ground until it moves up above the surface. Is this going to work? In my game view the cube is bright pink. |
commented May 8, 2020
This means the shader is not compiling correctly. It's been a long time since I made this, and I haven't updated it, so it will likely require some modifications to work in newer versions of Unity / URP. You can try to take a look at this fork that is supposedly updated for URP 7.2.1. |